For Objective-C, in the following header file:

@interface Peg : NSObject {
    char color;

@property char color;

I wonder if the member variable is already said to be a char type, then why does the @property has to repeat it? (or else it won't compile). Couldn't the compiler tell that it is char? It couldn't be anything else, could it?

3 Answers 3


That is because generaly properties don't have to be related to any declared instance variable of your class. You may have a property and not include a variable into your class header. That's why you have to declare it's type.

Using properties instead of variables makes your headers clean, hiding the implementation.

So, you can just declare a property and then @synthesize it

@interface Peg : NSObject

@property char color;

@implementation Peg

@synthesize color;

  • does that mean in general it is more concise to leave out the instance variable? Leave out or not, there is still a color property to use? Apr 14, 2012 at 9:10
  • 1
    You can leave out the curly braces, too. @interface Peg : NSObject @property char color; and so on.
    – jscs
    Apr 14, 2012 at 17:54
  • Here is a talk on proprties and variables,at the bottom stackoverflow.com/questions/155964/… Apr 14, 2012 at 22:23

Actually, it's no longer needed, at least when compiling for x64 with clang. If you omit instance variable, @synthesize will create one for you.


Just use The following

@interface Peg : NSObject {}

@property char color;

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