In Sass, is there any way to use root/top-level selectors inside a nested element? This would be useful.

For example, I want to define the same style for all root-level a tags and li tags only inside ul. Here's a imaginary example where / accomplishes this:

ul {
    li, /a {

The rendered stylesheet would then look like this:

a {
    color: black;

ul li {
    color: black;

2 Answers 2


You could use selective inheritance using @extend. HTH.


This file.scss

ul {
  li a {

Will compile to this

ul li,
ul li a {
  color: black;

Isn't that what you wanted?

UPDATE: What you're trying to achieve is possible with @extend

  • Your example still renders a nested object. I updated my question to display what kind of output is desired.
    – dhulihan
    Feb 19, 2013 at 21:07

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