
std::string text = "á";

"á" is two-byte character (assuming a UTF-8 encoding).
So following line prints 2.

std::cout << text.size() << "\n";

But std::cout still prints text correctly.

std::cout << text << "\n";

My problem

I pass text to boost::property_tree::ptree and then to write_json

boost::property_tree::ptree root;
root.put<std::string>("text", text);

std::stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json(ss, root);
std::cout << ss.str() << "\n";

The result is

    "text": "\u00C3\u00A1"

text is equal to "á" which is different than "á".

Is is possible to fix this problem without switching to std::wstring? Is it possible that changing library (boost::property_tree::ptree) can solve this problem ?

3 Answers 3


I found some solutions. In general you needs to specify boost::property_tree::json_parser::create_escapes template for [Ch=Char], to provide your "special occasion bug free escaping".

JSON standard assume that all string are UTF-16 encoded with "\uXXXX" escaping, but some library support UTF-8 encoding with "\xXX" escaping. If JSON file can be encoded in UTF-8, you may pass all character higher than 0x7F, witch was intended for original function.

I put this code before using boost::property_tree::json_parser::write_json. It comes from boost_1_49_0/boost/property_tree/detail/json_parser_write.hpp:

namespace boost { namespace property_tree { namespace json_parser
    // Create necessary escape sequences from illegal characters
    std::basic_string<char> create_escapes(const std::basic_string<char> &s)
        std::basic_string<char> result;
        std::basic_string<char>::const_iterator b = s.begin();
        std::basic_string<char>::const_iterator e = s.end();
        while (b != e)
            // This assumes an ASCII superset. But so does everything in PTree.
            // We escape everything outside ASCII, because this code can't
            // handle high unicode characters.
            if (*b == 0x20 || *b == 0x21 || (*b >= 0x23 && *b <= 0x2E) ||
                (*b >= 0x30 && *b <= 0x5B) || (*b >= 0x5D && *b <= 0xFF)  //it fails here because char are signed
                || (*b >= -0x80 && *b < 0 ) ) // this will pass UTF-8 signed chars
                result += *b;
            else if (*b == char('\b')) result += char('\\'), result += char('b');
            else if (*b == char('\f')) result += char('\\'), result += char('f');
            else if (*b == char('\n')) result += char('\\'), result += char('n');
            else if (*b == char('\r')) result += char('\\'), result += char('r');
            else if (*b == char('/')) result += char('\\'), result += char('/');
            else if (*b == char('"'))  result += char('\\'), result += char('"');
            else if (*b == char('\\')) result += char('\\'), result += char('\\');
                const char *hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
                typedef make_unsigned<char>::type UCh;
                unsigned long u = (std::min)(static_cast<unsigned long>(
                int d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
                int d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
                int d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
                int d4 = u;
                result += char('\\'); result += char('u');
                result += char(hexdigits[d1]); result += char(hexdigits[d2]);
                result += char(hexdigits[d3]); result += char(hexdigits[d4]);
        return result;
} } }

And the output I get:

    "text": "aáb"

Also the function boost::property_tree::json_parser::a_unicode have similar problems with reading escaped unicode characters to signed chars.

  • 1
    Thanks for your answer. Nice find with boost::property_tree::json_parser::create_escapes. Your solution is definitely an improvement. But I don't think it works for whole UTF-8 charset;/. Am I right ? Apr 24, 2012 at 10:57
  • 2
    All bytes that code Unicode character over 0x7F are above 0x7F ( below 0 for signed char ), so this function pass through UTF-8 correctly. Some unicode characters may not be printable of course, and some UTF-8 sequence must never appear.
    – Arpegius
    Apr 24, 2012 at 13:29
  • The JSON standard does not make any assumptions about encoding. Per RFC 46273. Encoding JSON text SHALL be encoded in Unicode. The default encoding is UTF-8. Since the first two characters of a JSON text will always be ASCII characters [RFC0020], it is possible to determine whether an octet stream is UTF-8, UTF-16 (BE or LE), or UTF-32 (BE or LE) by looking at the pattern of nulls in the first four octets. 00 00 00 xx UTF-32BE 00 xx 00 xx UTF-16BE xx 00 00 00 UTF-32LE xx 00 xx 00 UTF-16LE xx xx xx xx UTF-8
    – Pat O
    Aug 9, 2012 at 16:58

Boost fixed it on 1.59 version. And you need careful if you want to upgrade version. You can check what changed from below. https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_59_0.html


Support above Basic Multilingual Plane:

    template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> create_escapes(const std::basic_string<Ch> &s)
    std::basic_string<Ch> result;
    typename std::basic_string<Ch>::const_iterator b = s.begin();
    typename std::basic_string<Ch>::const_iterator e = s.end();
    while (b != e)
        if (*b == 0x20 || *b == 0x21 || (*b >= 0x23 && *b <= 0x2E) ||
            (*b >= 0x30 && *b <= 0x5B) || (*b >= 0x5D && *b <= 0x80))
            result += *b;
        else if (*b == Ch('\b')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('b');
        else if (*b == Ch('\f')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('f');
        else if (*b == Ch('\n')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('n');
        else if (*b == Ch('\r')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('r');
        else if (*b == Ch('/')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('/');
        else if (*b == Ch('"'))  result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('"');
        else if (*b == Ch('\\')) result += Ch('\\'), result += Ch('\\');
            const char * hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";

            typedef typename make_unsigned<Ch>::type UCh;
            unsigned long u = static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<UCh>(*b));

            if (u <= 0xFFFF)
                int d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
                int d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
                int d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
                int d4 = u;

                result += Ch('\\'); result += Ch('u');
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d1]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d2]);
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d3]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d4]);
                u = (((static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<UCh>(*b)) - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3ff) + 0xd800;

                int d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
                int d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
                int d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
                int d4 = u;

                result += Ch('\\'); result += Ch('u');
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d1]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d2]);
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d3]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d4]);

                u = ((static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<UCh>(*b)) - 0x10000) & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00;

                d1 = u / 4096; u -= d1 * 4096;
                d2 = u / 256; u -= d2 * 256;
                d3 = u / 16; u -= d3 * 16;
                d4 = u;

                result += Ch('\\'); result += Ch('u');
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d1]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d2]);
                result += Ch(hexdigits[d3]); result += Ch(hexdigits[d4]);
    return result;

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