I have done a lot of looking around on the overflow, and on google, but none of the results works for my specific case.

I have a placeholder array called $holder, values as follows:

    Array ( 
    [0] => Array ( 
        [id] => 1 
        [pid] => 121 
        [uuid] => 1  
    [1] => Array ( 
        [id] => 2 
        [pid] => 13
        [uuid] => 1
    [2] => Array ( 
        [id] => 5 
        [pid] => 121 
        [uuid] => 1

I am trying to pull out distinct/unique values from this multidimensional array. The end result I would like is either a variable containing (13,121), or (preferrably) an array as follows: Array( [0] => 13 [1] => 121 )

Again I've tried serializing and such, but don't quite understand how that works when operating with a single key in each array.

I tried to be as clear as possible. I hope it makes sense...


8 Answers 8


Seems pretty simple: extract all pid values into their own array, run it through array_unique:

$uniquePids = array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i['pid']; }, $holder));

The same thing in longhand:

$pids = array();
foreach ($holder as $h) {
    $pids[] = $h['pid'];
$uniquePids = array_unique($pids);
  • 2
    I wonder why this doesn't work array_unique(array_map(function ($i) { return $i[$id]; }, $holder)); Is there a way to use variable instead of predefined key name?
    – Ilia Ross
    Aug 30, 2014 at 13:44
  • @deceze Ah, alright, it's inside of anonymous function. Thanks!
    – Ilia Ross
    Aug 30, 2014 at 15:19
  • This works but is inefficient. Why add a bunch of elements and remove them immediately? Just loop over the array and filter one by one! I'm adding my own answer. Feb 11, 2015 at 23:37
  • 1
    @Jorge Yes, this could be made more efficient by looping over the array once, putting all its elements into a new array as keys, then extracting just the keys. However, there's a tradeoff between readability, maintainability and performance, and I think this solution strikes a decent balance which will be just fine for average sized arrays.
    – deceze
    Feb 11, 2015 at 23:48

In php >= 5.5 you can use array_column:

array_unique(array_column($holder, 'pid'));

try this

foreach($arr as $key => $val) {
    $new_arr[] = $val['pid'];
$uniq_arr = array_unique($new_arr);

Just iterate over it and apply an array_unique on the result:

foreach($holder as $yourValues){
    $pids[] = $yourValues['pid'];
$yourUniquePids = array_unique($pids);

Assuming your array is called $holder:

$unique = array();
foreach( $holder as $h )
    if( ! in_array($h, $unique ) )
        $unique[] = $h;

is a slightly more efficient way than via array_unique, I believe. May be the same.

  • in_array is essentially looping over the array again and again, so you've got two nested loops. That's inefficient in its own way.
    – deceze
    Feb 11, 2015 at 23:45
$uniquearray = [];
            $uniquearray[$i]= $assocarray[$i]['KEY'];
  • 6
    Can you provide a brief explanation in addition to your code?
    – Sam Chats
    Feb 3, 2020 at 13:36

Hi Please try code given below for get unique values and then sort that values


$sort_arr = unique_sort($holder, 'pid');
echo "<pre>";

/*function for get unique value then sort them*/

function unique_sort($arrs, $id) {
    $unique_arr = array();
    foreach ($arrs AS $arr) {

        if (!in_array($arr[$id], $unique_arr)) {
            $unique_arr[] = $arr[$id];
    return $unique_arr;



fo my situation i use this method

//get some data from db to array
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){
   $data[] = $row;

//display unique value
echo "<table>";
$uniq = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
    if(!in_array($row['path'], $uniq)) {
        $uniq[] = $row['path'];
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo $row['path'];
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        echo $row['relationship_id'];
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
  • 2
    I don't see how that respond to the question: wich is getting unique value in a multidimensional array
    – goto
    Dec 30, 2016 at 9:42

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