I have the following script which loops through a HTML table and gets the values from it then returns the value of the table in a td.

$tds = $dom->getElementsByTagName('td');

                // New dom
                $dom2 = new DOMDocument;

                $x = 1;
                // Loop through all the tds printing the value with a new class
                foreach($tds as $t) {
                    if($x%2 == 1)
                        print "</tr><tr>";

                    $class = ($x%2 == 1) ? "odd" : "even";


                    print "<td class='$class'>".$t->textContent."</td>";

But the textContent seems to be stripping the HTML tags (for example it is a <p></p> wrapper tag). How can I get it to just give me the value?

Or is there another way of doing this? I have the following html


and I need to make it look like

<td class="odd">q1</td>
<td class="even">a1</td>
<td class="odd">q2</td>
<td class="even">a2</td>

It will always look the exact same way (minus extra element rows and the values which change).

Any help?

1 Answer 1


According to MDN this is the expected behaviour of textContent.

You can just add the class to the tds in the DomDocument

$tds = $dom->getElementsByTagName('td');
$x = 1;
foreach($tds as $td) {
    if($x%2 == 1){
        $td->setAttribute('class', 'odd');
        $td->setAttribute('class', 'even');

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