I would like to get some code in AS2 to interpolate a quadratic bezier curve. the nodes are meant to be at constant distance away from each other. Basically it is to animate a ball at constant speed along a non-hyperbolic quadratic bezier curve defined by 3 pts. Thanks!

  • I have already seen some complex mathematical stuff but it involves integrals which i do not know how to do in as2
    – user132295
    Jul 2, 2009 at 13:43

3 Answers 3


The Bezier curve math is really quite simple, so I'll help you out with that and you can translate it into ActionScript.

A 2D quadratic Bezier curve is defined by three (x,y) coordinates. I will refer to these as P0 = (x0,y0), P1 = (x1,y1) and P2 = (x2,y2). Additionally a parameter value t, which ranges from 0 to 1, is used to indicate any position along the curve. All x, y and t variables are real-valued (floating point).

The equation for a quadratic Bezier curve is:

P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2

So, using pseudocode, we can smoothly trace out the Bezier curve like so:

for i = 0 to step_count
    t = i / step_count
    u = 1 - t
    P = P0*u*u + P1*2*u*t + P2*t*t
    draw_ball_at_position( P )

This assumes that you have already defined the points P0, P1 and P2 as above. If you space the control points evenly then you should get nice even steps along the curve. Just define step_count to be the number of steps along the curve that you would like to see.


Please note that the expression can be done much more efficient mathematically.

P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2


P = P0*u*u + P1*2*u*t + P2*t*t

both hold t multiplications which can be simplified.

For example:

C = A*t + B(1-t) = A*t + B - B*t = t*(A-B) + B = You saved one multiplication = Double performance.

  • 4
    While it might be true that you can save a few multiplies, the Bernstein basis is inherently more numerically stable. So if precision is a concern, the polynomial should not be reorganized. Admittedly, this won't matter much for animating a ball, but this is a huge deal in CAD packages.
    – Naaff
    Jul 8, 2009 at 16:28

The solution proposed by Naaff, that is P(t) = P0*(1-t)^2 + P1*2*(1-t)*t + P2*t^2, will get you the correct "shape", but selecting evenly-spaced t in the [0:1] interval will not produce evenly-spaced P(t). In other words, the speed is not constant (you can differentiate the previous equation with respect to t to see see it).

Usually, a common method to traverse a parametric curve at constant-speed is to reparametrize by arc-length. This means expressing P as P(s) where s is the length traversed along the curve. Obviously, s varies from zero to the total length of the curve. In the case of a quadratic bezier curve, there's a closed-form solution for the arc-length as a function of t, but it's a bit complicated. Computationally, it's often faster to just integrate numerically using your favorite method. Notice however that the idea is to compute the inverse relation, that is, t(s), so as to express P as P(t(s)). Then, choosing evenly-spaced s will produce evenly-space P.

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