Below is an explanation of exactly what I want

On the submission form I have multiple checkboxs. when users click on checkbox a textbox appears next to it, where user input text. I want to insert the value of texbox in array and insert it in database with PHP-MYSQL. for example checkbox1 is index 0=>valueoftextbox, checkbox2 is index 1=>value of texbox2

How can I achieve this?


2 Answers 2


Serialize received $_POST.

<input type="checkbox" name="smth[]" value="One" />
<input type="checkbox" name="smth[]" value="Two" />
<input type="checkbox" name="smth[]" value="Three" />

if (isset($_POST)) {
   $smth = serialize($_POST['smth']);
   $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$smth')") or die(mysql_error());

A few pointer to get you going:

1) From PHP use:

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

That way you can see WHAT is posted from your client-form.

2) Note that an unchecked checkbox ISN'T posted at all.

So if you have following checkbox in your form named "wantsnewsletter".

Then check that from PHP like this:

 if (isset($_POST["wantsnewsletter"])){
   // It was checked.
 } else {
   // It wasn't checked

Futhermore you just have to think up some sensible naming and do the inserts into you DB.

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