Divide by Zero Runtime Error while executing gitstats .Please find the error screenshot below:

With a git repository which contains binary files only, it seems that getTotalLOC() yields zero and leads to a division-by-zero error:

File "/usr/bin/gitstats", line 1034, in create
f.write('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%d (%.2f%%)</td><td>%d (%.2f%%)</td><td>%d</td></tr>' % (ext, files, (100.0 * files) / data.getTotalFiles(), lines, (100.0 * lines) / data.getTotalLOC(), lines / files))
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
  • 1
    The bug has already been reported here: sourceforge.net/tracker/… (actually your post is a copy&paste of it). It's better to continue discussion on project's site (the author was asking for an example repo)
    – CharlesB
    Jul 10, 2012 at 9:03

1 Answer 1


Error occurred when gitstats was installed with apt-get

Download the sourcecode from http://repo.or.cz/w/gitstats.git/snapshot/910d179c5f116254cef7440b8511f97a99b3c277.tar.gz or from the latest master and install.

tar -xzvf gitstats-910d179c5f116254cef7440b8511f97a99b3c277.tar.gz -C .

cd gitstats

sudo make install

run as

sudo gitstats repo_path path_to_store_the_created_stats_results

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