Is there any alternative of ExecuteGlobal in javascript?

Function vbExecuteGlobal(parmSCRIPT)
End Function

DevGuru [describes the statement] such:

The ExecuteGlobal statement takes a single string argument, interprets it as a VBScript statement or sequence of statements, and executes these statements in the global namespace.

  • 2
    If something executes a string as code, the solution is to refactor it so it doesn't. You should not keep code in strings.
    – Quentin
    Jul 13, 2012 at 9:35
  • You "could" use setTimeout(code, 0)... but are you sure you really need this? I agree with Quentin here. Jul 13, 2012 at 9:35
  • @FelixKling — I was going to suggest that (with dire warnings), but there is a minimum timeout in most JS engines, and it evaluates the code asynchronously.
    – Quentin
    Jul 13, 2012 at 9:38
  • Can you please clarify, do you want to evaluate javascript in javascript globally or vbscript in javascript?
    – Esailija
    Jul 13, 2012 at 9:39
  • actually i am doing cross browser codeing and i have some old code which is in mixture of vbscript & javascript and except IE none of the browser support vbscript.So they are calling this vbscript function in javascript which working fine only in IE so how can i do in javascript... i want to evaluate javascript in javascript or any other solution you have.. thanks
    – Abhishek
    Jul 13, 2012 at 10:31

1 Answer 1


The Javascript equivalent to VBScript's Execute[Global] is eval(). The passed code is evaluated in the context of the call.

See here for details, pros and cons


Not to recommend such practices, but to clarify my understanding of equivalence:

// calling eval in global context is the exact equivalent of ExecuteGlobal
eval("function f0() {print('f0(): yes, we can!');}");

// calling eval in locally is the exact equivalent of Execute
function eval00() {
  eval("function f1() {print('f1(): no, we can not!');}");
try {
catch(e) {
  print("** error:", e.message);

// dirty trick to affect global from local context
function eval01() {
  eval("f2 = function () {print('f2(): yes, we can use dirty tricks!');}");


js> load("EvalDemo.js")
f0(): yes, we can!
f1(): no, we can not!
** error: "f1" is not defined.
f2(): yes, we can use dirty tricks!
f2(): yes, we can use dirty tricks!

So: Problems that can be solved using Execute[Global] in VBScript can be solved using eval() in Javascript; for some problems extra work or tricks may be necessary.

As Abhishek explicitly said "i want to evaluate javascript in javascript", I don't feel the need to justify my answer.

  • 1
    Even in your answer you say that it evaluates in the context of the call (not global) so you must know it's not equivalent. So why the answer?
    – Esailija
    Jul 13, 2012 at 9:47

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