I want to show an alternating background colour for the X axis on a line chart on the ASP.Net Ajax RadChart control.

I have found this article that shows the StripLine property for Silverlight and WPF chart control but I cannot find this property on the Ajax control. Maybe I'm just not seeing it - how can I set the background colour to stripe vertically in line with the X axis columns?

In the article mentioned the "AlternateStripLineStyle" is located here: RadChart1.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisY.AxisStyles.AlternateStripLineStyle

However the Ajax control does not have an AxisStyles property.


UPDATE: I think this may be possible using the MarkedZones property of the PlotArea but that's not a very elegant solution if indeed it does work.

1 Answer 1


Telerik themselves provided the following solution which as I suspected uses MarkedZones:

public void GenerateStripLines(RadChart chart, int minValue, int maxValue, int step)
   for (int i = minValue; i <= maxValue + step; i+=step)
      Color zoneColor;

      if (i % 2 == 0)
         zoneColor = Color.White;
         zoneColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;

      var item = new ChartMarkedZone() { ValueStartY = i, ValueEndY = i + step };
      item.Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor = zoneColor;

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