I am trying to build an adhoc build for my app , I am following the instructions on the apple's documentation which says

Select the Target and open the Build settings inspector. In the ‘Code Signing Entitlements’ build setting, type in the filename of the new Entitlements.plist file including the extension. There is no need to specify a path unless you have put the Entitlements.plist file somewhere other than the top level of the project.

But i dont see that section , what am i missing ?alt text

  • are you trying to build for the app store or for ad hoc development?? Apple gives instructions for code signing several places on their website - However I definitely feel that the most concise and easy to follow directions are in the developer program portal.
    – zpesk
    Jul 19, 2009 at 0:15
  • this is for adhoc build. Yeah these are the instructions from their dev website.
    – Surya
    Jul 19, 2009 at 1:56
  • some possibilities: try doing "get info" on the root of the project, rather than the target. try switching to "device" from "simulator". Make sure you have all the right certificates in your keychain. I see you're set to GCC 4.0; I think the new default is GCC 4.2--what version of the SDK are you using? Jul 21, 2009 at 3:42
  • This happened to me and I also had to resort to creating a new project. Briefly tried to compare the project files, but didn't find anything.
    – Felixyz
    Apr 13, 2010 at 20:06

12 Answers 12


Make sure your "Base SDK" property for your Distribution target configuration is set to Device and not to Simulator. I had the same problem, and this worked for me.

Found the answer here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1896569

  • Thanks . But i still dont see that section
    – Surya
    Jul 25, 2009 at 23:17

you must create the file Entitlements.plist and add it to your resource folder in your build.

once it is added,

you need to double click on the first field in the Code Signing section and type in Entitlements.plist

I don't have my mac in front of me I hope this is enough to get started. If you are trying to make a distribution of the build you need to have a distribution channel.

Edit for the Comment you need to double click the field to the right of the first field and type the word Entitlements.plist once you close out the window it will appear in the list

  • 1
    thanks, but as in the screenshot first field in the code signing section is not entitlement
    – Surya
    Jul 14, 2009 at 2:45

I had the same problem but in the same window I changed Base SDK from iphone simulator to iphone device and Entitlements appeared.


I had the same problem and was able to solve it by opening the PROJECT get info (go to Project -> Edit Project Settings or right click on the project) and in the General tab make sure the "Base SDK for All Configurations" at the bottom is set to Device and not Simulator.

  • thanks matt. I had the same problem, and setting the "Base SDK for All Configurations" in the PROJECT Info screen fixed this as you suggested. Great sleuthing... talk about somewhat obscure.
    – npellow
    Jan 27, 2010 at 12:05

You should need to set the path of the Entitlements.plist file

I have set in the my project see below screen shot.

enter image description here


Thanks for the responses . In the end i just gave up and created a new project and copied all my files into it . The new project has that section in there . I am not sure how that project got into that state . Emailed Apple support last week , yet to hear back from them , will update the post once I hear back from there.


Inside the Target Build Settings->Architecture, Make sure your Base SDK is set to Device and not Simulator.


This can also happen in Xcode 4 if you are on the Basic tab in your project settings. To see Code Signing Entitlements you need to have the All tab selected.


You need to add it first, click the gear on the lower left. If that doesn't work, I would go ask Apple. If it's in their documentation they should be more than happy to clear up any confusion.


I've seen strange things happen in the build tab of the target info before, as if it becomes confused between configurations. I took the approach of simplifying the operation to the bare minimum and it seemed to sort itself out. Mind you, this was in the midnight hours after a long shift and it may have been me that was getting confused. I hesitate to mention it but it will only take a few seconds to try and you may be able to put my mind at rest

From the main Xcode window toolbar
Set the Active SDK to the "Device" item that has (project settings) after it
Set the Active Configuration to the one concerned with (here distribution)

In Target -> GetInfo->Build
Select configuration of "active (distribution)"

  • That didnt bring the section back .
    – Surya
    Jul 25, 2009 at 23:18

Yes, I had the same issue, moving to a new SDK, I've dropeed 2.1 support but it was still the base SDK in the project. By changing the base sdk, my certificates now appears again!


What version of xcode are you running? Here's a screenshot of mine that clearly show the Code Signing Entitlements field:


  • 3.1.3 . I dont see that section at all :(
    – Surya
    Jul 25, 2009 at 23:18

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