I need to clean up a table which has three columns, ID (uniqueidentifier), Observation (nvarchar), and Timestamp (datetimeoffset). The content is generated by two sensors at 1 hour interval, and the value of Observation is the same from the two sensors. My idea is to do a SELECT query such as

SELECT * FROM [Records] ORDER BY [Timestamp]

and then delete every alternate row.

I found this on SO how to delete every alternate row in access table, but doesn't really applies here as the ID is not Int but UID.

A sample of the data would look like:

enter image description here

  • is the timestamp exactely equal for those duplicate rows?
    – juergen d
    Aug 13, 2012 at 9:02

4 Answers 4


If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later you can do something like this.

delete T
from (
       select row_number() over(order by [Timestamp]) as rn
       from YourTable
       where SomeColumn = @SomeValue
     ) T
where T.rn % 2 = 0
  • Yes I'm on SQL Server 2008 R2. Is it possible to add a WHERE clause for the SELECT? Such as delete T from ( select row_number() over(order by [DateTime]) as rn from [Records] WHERE [Timestamp] < '2012/6/30 12:00am' ) T where T.rn % 2 = 0
    – Jim
    Aug 13, 2012 at 9:13
  • @Jim Sure. You do it in the inner query. I have added a sample where clause to the query. Aug 13, 2012 at 9:14

Instead of deleting alternate records you might use safer variation - delete only duplicate Observations, so that in case of error in data you don't fall out of sync:

; with cte as (
  select *,
         row_number() over (partition by Observation 
                            order by [Timestamp]) rn
    from [Records]
delete cte
 where rn > 1

If I'm not mistaken you could use a CTE, with row_number() to generate effectively a temp numeric id column. Then the same idea could be applied - delete where a row number mod 2 is 0:

;WITH temp
     AS (SELECT *,
                Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [Timestamp]) rn
         FROM   [Records]
         ORDER  BY [Timestamp])
WHERE  rn % 2 = 0
  • FYI CTEs are only available if you're using SQL Server 2005 or later - you didn't specify the version in your question.
    – Bridge
    Aug 13, 2012 at 9:06

you can do so using the MOD operator which divide two numbers and return the remainder


DELETE FROM [Records] WHERE ([ID] Mod 2)=0)

put it inside a loop to delete all alternate rows

so for example

ID = 0;
rows = get_number_of_rows_in_the_table;
i = 0; // counter
while(i<rows) {
ID = get the ID of row 0
if(ID MOD 2 = 0) {
//perform delete operation
DELETE FROM [Records] WHERE ID=the ID you just got;
} else { 
increment the counter 

this is one solution but not a correct syntax for access hope it helps

  • Don't loop if you can avoid it. There are more efficient ways to do things in SQL. May 1, 2018 at 15:12
  • @loophole there was no need for the down vote! this is 6 years old and your comment is meaningless. show a better way rather than down voting an actual solution regardless if you like it or no it is going to still be a solution
    – Moe
    May 7, 2018 at 2:51

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