So I have a hash of hashes....

 @win_moves = {
    :wm01 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"},
    :wm02 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>"X", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>"X", :c3=>" "},
    :wm03 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
    :wm04 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"X", :b2=>"X", :b3=>"X", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
    :wm05 => {:a1=>"X", :a2=>"X", :a3=>"X", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>" "},
    :wm06 => {:a1=>" ", :a2=>" ", :a3=>" ", :b1=>" ", :b2=>" ", :b3=>" ", :c1=>"X", :c2=>"X", :c3=>"X"}

and I want to take a hash like such..

@thegrid = {:a1=>"X", :a2=>"O", :a3=>" ", :b1=>"O", :b2=>"X", :b3=>" ", :c1=>" ", :c2=>" ", :c3=>"X"}

and compare it to the previous hash @win_moves for the X values so I would get a positive match on @win_moves[0] (the answer in this case)...I need to check for the presence of the X.

Can you point me in the right direction?

  • Is it on purpose that \@thegrid contains "O" and \@win_moves contains " "?
    – davidrac
    Aug 13, 2012 at 18:27
  • yes. I need to test against the location of the X's regardless of empty spaces or the presence of O's.
    – thefonso
    Aug 13, 2012 at 18:41
  • We also need to know what you need in return. Do you need to know which one matched or just that one did match? Aug 13, 2012 at 18:48
  • either...but for simplicity...just that one did match
    – thefonso
    Aug 13, 2012 at 18:51

3 Answers 3


If you don't mind being destructive of your @thegrid hash you can do the following:

@winmoves.has_value? @thegrid.each { |k, v| thegrid[k] = " " if v == "O" }

That will return true if any of the keys in your winmoves are matched. Ff you need to do it non-destructively the following should work:

a_new_hash = @thegrid.inject({}) { |h, (k, v)| h[k] = " " if v == "O"; h }
@winmoves.has_value? a_new_hash

I think you can do that:

@win_moves.any?{|k,v| v.reject{|a,b| b != 'X'} == @thegrid.reject{|c,d| d!= 'X'}}

The following would find all keys in @win_moves that have the matching Xs as @thegrid:

keys_with_x = @thegrid.select{ |k, v| v == "X" }.keys
matching_moves = @win_moves.select{ |k, v| v.select{ |k, v| v == "X" }.keys == keys_with_x }
puts matching_moves.keys
#=> wm01

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