I have script that looks like this

#exampel inputfile is "myfile.txt"
basen=`basename $inputfile .txt`  # create basename

cat $inputfile | 
awk '{print $basen "\t" $3}  # this doesn't print "myfile" but the whole content of it.

What I want to do above is to print out in AWK the variable called 'basen' created before. But somehow it failed to do what I hoped it will.

So for example myfile.txt contain these lines

foo bar bax
foo qux bar

With the above bash script I hope to get

myfile bax
myfile bar

What's the right way to do it?

  • @tripleee How can this post be a duplicate? This is posted 7 years before and your suggested post 4 years ago.
    – neversaint
    Jun 7, 2018 at 0:25
  • Yours is a common FAQ. Question age is not an important consideration when sorting duplicates. See also e.g. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252929/…
    – tripleee
    Jun 7, 2018 at 4:14

6 Answers 6


The -v flag is for setting variables from the command line. Try something like this:

awk -v "BASEN=$basen" '{print BASEN "\t" $3}'
  • 2
    +1 This is the best way to inject a variable as it will work even if $basen contains special characters like apostrophes, quotes, or spaces. Jun 23, 2010 at 3:47

You can use it like this.

for i in `find $1 -name \*.jar`
jar tvf $i| awk -F '/' '/class/{print "'${i}'" " " $NF }' >> $classFile

You should use


in AWK to use the


created in Bash Script.

  • 2
    use $() instead of backticks. And find with for loop like that will break on files with spaces. Quote your $1 variable
    – ghostdog74
    Jun 23, 2010 at 5:44

you can just do everything in awk

awk '{gsub(".txt","",ARGV[1]);print ARGV[1] "\t" $3}' inputfile.txt

Assuming you run awk as the sub process of the shell you declared the vars
Within the shell

export MY_VARS="whatever"; #// IT NEEDS to be exported, to allow the sub process awk read access.
echo ""| awk '{
    print "Reading values from within awk : "ENVIRON["MY_VARS"];


Reading values from within awk : whatever

notice the importance of export. With out it, the vars from the shell is considered local and does not get passed to the co-processes.


The reason is that bash variables (environment variables) are not expanded within single-quoted strings. Try replacing

'{print $basen "\t" $3}'


"{print \"$basen\" \"\t\" \$3}"
  • there is a gem right there :) thank you DavidZ !
    – Deian
    Jun 30, 2016 at 18:58

The easiest way is to make an awk variable. awk -v awkvar=$bashvar 'awkscript'.

  • you will need to put awkvar=$bashvar under doublequotes, otherwise it will have problems with bashvariables with spaces in it: awk -v "awkvar=$bashvar" 'awkscript'
    – syss
    Jun 28, 2017 at 11:52

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