I've got to read a date format (dd-mm-yyyy;) from a char* string using sscanf with this line of code:

sscanf(string, "%[^-]-%[^-]-%[^;];", day, month, year)

where day/month/year are char* string of 3/3/5 elemets each.

In this way it works but when i try to use day/moth/year as integer variables (with same sscanf), I got a 0 0 0 value when i use printf on them. If i change sscanf to

sscanf(string, "%d-%d-%d;", day, month, year)

I got segmentation fault.

Anyone can help me? Using K&R book, I didn't find a solution.

  • How are day, month and year declared ?
    – cnicutar
    Aug 22, 2012 at 10:43

1 Answer 1


You need to pass the address of the int variables:

int day, month, year;
sscanf(string, "%d-%d-%d;", &day, &month, &year);

sscanf() returns the number of assignments made, recommend checking the return value before using day, month and year:

if (3 == sscanf(string, "%d-%d-%d;", &day, &month, &year))
  • it's correct but I swear I tried with &day... before but didn't work .-. Aug 22, 2012 at 10:45
  • @ArrigoPierotti, did you change the type of day from char[3] to int?
    – hmjd
    Aug 22, 2012 at 10:47
  • day/month/year changed into int but didn't worked. Now it works, dunno xD Aug 22, 2012 at 10:54

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