I want to define a string variable which holds an IP Address globally,so that if in future the IPAddress got changed no need to go to each class file & update it, So for this what is the best way to implement whether to use plist or a global macro class or .pch file of my app?


3 Answers 3


Create a .h file. Say, GlobalMacros.h

In GlobalMacros.h

#define IP_ADDR @“SERVER_IP”

In your .pch file

import “GlobalMacros.h”

Now you can simply access the IP_ADDR anywhere.


Just create NSObject class and then place your URL in it and then access it and use it where you want.

in h file

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Config : NSObject {


//configuration section... 
extern  NSString        *SiteURL;
extern  NSString        *SiteAPIURL;


in .m

#import "Config.h"

@implementation Config
NSString        *SiteURL                = @"http://yourIP/";
NSString        *SiteAPIURL             = @"http://yourIP/";


in Prefix.pch just import it #import "Config.h"

and use it in the class where you want to use

NSString *apiURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@login.php",SiteAPIURL];
  • This is a quite oo-style suggestion. If you get a bit further and apply a signleton pattern here, then it would be really nice. Aug 30, 2012 at 7:19

.pch file if you would never change it.

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