I have this document structure

<div id="log">

Where ... represents any number of div, br pairs.

Now I need to write a JQuery function called exists that takes an id (in this case "log") and a string (for example "DEF") and checks if in the "log" div there is any div whose text matches "DEF". My JQuery is weak, can someone help me with this?

  • See this post, i believe this is a duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/2722582/…
    – adam
    Aug 31, 2012 at 16:51
  • Thanks all. That was awesome. Here's another question. How do I get a list/array of the content of all the divs in "log"? Aug 31, 2012 at 16:55

5 Answers 5

if ( $('#log div:contains("DEF")').length ) {
   // exists
  • Wow, that was fast, you are good. Just tried this. It works. I don't understand why though. Could you explain it? I totally don't understand the use of .length. Aug 31, 2012 at 16:52
  • @SachinKainth length returns the number of elements in the jQuery object, here if there is a div that contains the word DEF length value is more than 0 which is a truthy value in JavaScript, hence that element(s) exists.
    – Ram
    Aug 31, 2012 at 16:55
   if( $(this).text() == "DEF")
     //do something  

Should work.

$searchThis = $('.log').html();
if($searchThis.indexOf('search string') != -1){
    actions upon success (you found the string)

You can make a selector string from the id, using the :contains selector:

function exists(id, content) {
  return $('#' + id + ' div:contains("' + content + '")').length > 0;

That however doesn't make an exact match. You would get a false positive if you want a div that contains exactly EAR, and there is a div containing BEARS. To make an exact match you can filter the elements using the filter method:

function exists(id, content) {
  return $('#' + id).filter(function(){
    return $(this).text() == content;
  }).length > 0;


To get the contents of all the divs, use the map method:

var arr = $('#' + id + ' div').map(function(){
  return $(this).text();

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