How can i replace String AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB to AXA OR BXB && CXC OR BXB ?

i tried

expression = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
expression = expression.replaceAll("||", " OR ");

But this doesnt provide desired result ie AXA OR BXB && CXC OR BXB

  • Are you actually trying to do the blind character substitution you specify here, or is this an attempt at parsing?
    – user395760
    Sep 3, 2012 at 16:18
  • 1
    raplaceAll uses a regex, and | is a special caracter, try doing string expression.replaceAll("\\|\\|", "OR");
    – Augusto
    Sep 3, 2012 at 16:19

6 Answers 6


Instead of using regular expressions, try the replace routine instead

expression = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
expression = expression.replace("||", " OR ");
  • @Pshemo, You're right, although underneath it still compiles a Pattern object. Otherwise StringUtils.replace(..) is a good alternative. Sep 3, 2012 at 16:27
  • You're right, it replace(char,char) escapes regex. I removed my previous comment since it was false info.
    – Pshemo
    Sep 3, 2012 at 16:30

replaceAll uses a regex, and | is a special character, which means alternation. Thus, you need to escape it in order to use a literal |:

String s = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("\\|\\|", "OR"));

Or better yet, just use replace(), which doesn't use a regex:

String s = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
System.out.println(s.replace("||", "OR"));

replaceAll takes a regular expression as its first argument, try using replace instead.


There's no reason to use String#replaceAll() here, which treats the pattern as a regex. Use String#replace() and you don't have to worry about escaping special characters in the pattern.

expression = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
expression = expression.replace("||", " OR ");

You need to escape out the |

String expression = "AXA || BXB && CXC || BXB";
expression = expression.replaceAll(" ?\\|\\| ?", " OR ");



It's easy to forget what all the special characters are in regular expressions. I'm now in the habit of using String Pattern.quote(String s) around any literal I want to include that has any non-alphanumeric characters in it.

(If this case is as simple as you describe, I agree that replace() is the better choice.)

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