I am trying to extract the function arguments from my string s

var s = "function (a, b,   c) { return \'hello\'; }";
var re = /^function[^\(]*\(\W*(?:(\w+)[,\s)]*)+\)/g;

console.log( re.exec(s) );

[ 'function (a, b,   c)',
  index: 0,
  input: 'function (a, b,   c) { return \'hello\'; }' ]

The problem

It is only capturing c.

Desired output

[ 'function (a, b,   c)',
  index: 0,
  input: 'function (a, b,   c) { return \'hello\'; }' ]


This code is used in a module and must be accomplished with a single regular expression. Other techniques I've seen on StackOverflow will not work.

  • 1
    This is a classic Repeating a Capturing Group vs. Capturing a Repeated Group issue. Your previously captured backreference keeps getting overwritten and hence will always show the last argument which is c in your case.
    – Kash
    Sep 11, 2012 at 19:35
  • @Kash, this is very helpful information. I modified my capture group to be ...((?:\w+[,\s]*)+)... which gets me most of the way. If you post this as an answer, I will mark it as accepted.
    – Mulan
    Sep 12, 2012 at 4:06

2 Answers 2


You can't have a variable number of capturing groups within a regular expression. The best you can probably do is:

var s = "function (a, b,   c) { return \'hello\'; }";

// returns ["a", "b", "c"]
  • @shhac - Please reconsider the guidelines for editing. Capitalization of an insignificant word, removing semicolons at the end of JavaScript statements (which may be, arguably, undesirable: stackoverflow.com/questions/444080/…), and adding extra characters to meet the edit minimum, is discouraged. Sep 11, 2012 at 19:37
  • @acheong87 I made my edit at the same time as Rocket's, it was peer-accepted afterwards (unnecessarily)
    – Paul S.
    Sep 11, 2012 at 19:38

I would suggest to divide the task to sub-tasks:

  • Retrieve list of arguments
  • Split retrieved list
  • Compose the result

Like this:

var reFuncDecl = /^function\s*\(([^)]+)\)/g,
    reSplitArg = /[,\s]+/;

function funcInfo(s) {
    var matches = reFuncDecl.exec(s),
    args = matches[1].split(reSplitArg);
    reFuncDecl.lastIndex = 0;
    return {
        declaration: matches[0],
        args: args,
        input: s

var s = "function (a, b,   c,d,e,\nf) { return \'hello\'; }",
    info = funcInfo(s);
for(var prop in info) {
    document.write(prop + ': ' + info[prop] + '<br />');


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