I am running the HTTP extension to Scapy from here. This is what I did:

  1. Started scapy and did sniff(filter="tcp",count=100)
  2. Opened a browser and searched for an image
  3. Came back to Scapy and did a=_ and if HTTPResponse in a: print a.show()

It seems that there are no HTTPResponse packets, which is impossible since I see responses in the browser. Why does this happen?

  • Could you please post your entire code? I'm not going to ask your question, I just want to see a full example of it :-) Feb 7, 2014 at 17:23

1 Answer 1


sniff return a vector of packets, on which you need to iterate and check if each packet has the HTTP layer you are looking for:

a = sniff(...)
for packet in a:
    if HTTPResponse in packet:

This should work.

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