i am iterating a Vo in Jsp using struts tag in which i get a integer value

<struts_logic:iterate id="usersVO" indexId="index" name="data" type="utils.vo.UsersVO">

<td class="tabletext"><struts_bean:write name="usersVO" property="userType"/></td>

here userType is a int value. how can i get this value in

  int x = **here**

so i can process it for display.

Or is there any other way through which i can display String value depend upon coming int value?

2 Answers 2


Sounds like you should you <c:choose>. For example:

    <c:when test="${usersVO.userType==1}">
        <p>User type is 1</p>
    <c:when test="${usersVO.userType==2}">
       <p>User type is unknown</p>

i used struts logic:equal tag to do this and its works fine for me

<struts_logic:equal name="usersVO" property="userType" value="0">
   <struts_bean:message key ="usermanagement.NotAuthorization"/>                    
<struts_logic:equal name="usersVO" property="userType" value="1">
   <struts_html:link page="/anzeige.do" paramId="authorization" paramName="usersVO" paramProperty="userName" style="text-decoration: none;">
      <struts_bean:message key ="usermanagement.Authorization" />

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