for the xml


I need the list containing tuples of parent,data for each parent in xml.

Is there a way to do it USING cElementTree? I am able to do it for child,data, but unfortunately child is identical in all the values, hence it is of not much use.

3 Answers 3

parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in tree.getiterator() for c in p)
  • +1. because in elementTree, accessing parent by .. is broken or not working or any other way that i don't know.so your way will solve it!!! we can also do it as {c:p for p in tree.getiterator() for c in p}
    – namit
    Jan 29, 2013 at 10:52
  • @namit I can confirm this. I can correctly access my nodes but when I do print('parent = ', el.findall("../")) which is how this said so, I get null objects.
    – Bob
    Jun 16, 2016 at 20:06
  • @namit turns out I didn't correctly read the documentation for ..: Selects the parent element. Returns None if the path attempts to reach the ancestors of the start element (the element find was called on).link
    – Bob
    Jun 16, 2016 at 20:53

It seems you can get access to the parent from the child using version 1.3 of ElementTree (check http://effbot.org/zone/element-xpath.htm), by using xpath commands like child.find('../parent'). But I think python ships with version 1.2 or something.

You should also check for lxml which is compatible with etree and has full Xpath support http://lxml.de/

  • The docs says something like Changed in version 2.7: The ElementTree API is updated to 1.3. in docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree I'm using 2.7 but for me '../myparent' still doesn't seem to work; what does this mean?
    – n611x007
    Jan 10, 2013 at 22:45
  • Yes I don't think this is support in cElementTree. e.g.: ET.fromstring("<a><b></b></a>").find('.//b').find('..') returns None
    – Andy Smith
    Oct 9, 2014 at 10:27
  • 1
    @AndySmith I think I know why it returns none. The doc says : Selects the parent element. Returns None if the path attempts to reach the ancestors of the start element (**the element find was called on**).
    – Bob
    Jun 16, 2016 at 20:18

This syntax seemed to work for cElementTree


No going to base parent, and using double slash then single slash in path.
(would have posted as a comment to above thread but it seems I have no privilege to)

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