Sometimes, you could need to split the configuration between integration and functional tests, Imagine you are using spring-security-core plugin and you don't want to enable it in integration test environment. If so, you could have something like this in your conf/Config.groovy:

test {  
    integration {
        grails.plugins.springsecurity.active = false
    functional {
        grails.plugins.springsecurity.active = true

So easy and so expressive.

  • No Tim, it was an attempt helping people with the same I had recently. Sorry for not being clearer. Oct 10, 2012 at 13:53

1 Answer 1


Grails config files are groovy files, meaning they are executable. By capturing the test phase (unit/integration/functional) in scripts/_Events.groovy:

eventTestPhaseStart = { args ->
    System.properties['grails.test.phase'] = args

It can be used in Config.groovy:

grails.plugins.springsecurity.active = 
  (System.properties['grails.test.phase'] != 'integration')

Here's another example that does the same thing use a separate database for functional testing.

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