I would like to wait for a server to bind himself into the CORBA Naming Service. Firstly I tried to use the following code, which is polling the Naming Service

Object expectedObj = null;
   try { expectedObj = ncRef.resolve_str("expectedToBeInNameService"); } 
   catch (NotFound e) {}
} while(expectedObj == null;

My biggest problem is that this blocking. What is the easiest way to wait for it non-blocking?

  • What do you want to do while waiting for that object?
    – tuergeist
    Oct 5, 2012 at 20:36

1 Answer 1


You could wait in another thread and use a callback to notify the "original" thread or object that the request to the naming service was resolved.

class WaitThread extends Thread {
    CallBackObj callback;

    public WaitThread(CallBackObj callback) {
      this.text = callback;
      // assume CORBA stuff initiated here

    public void run() {
      Object expectedObj = null;
         try { expectedObj = ncRef.resolve_str("expectedToBeInNameService"); } 
         catch (NotFound e) {}
      } while(expectedObj == null;

The caller has to implement the interface CallBackObj and will create this thread by

WaitThread wt = new WaitThread(this);

interface CallBackObj {
 void notifyMethodExample();

  • Could you give a code sample? I'm not familiar in java threading.
    – adam_gav
    Oct 5, 2012 at 20:45

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