
I have this CSS here but its not working :(

Here is the CSS

.wpsc-product .hentry{
    border-bottom: none;
    padding: 0 !important;
    position: relative;

this is what I am trying to call

<article id="post-60" class="post-60 wpsc-product type-wpsc-product status-publish hentry">

how would I apply to this article and it has to invlice wpsc-product because thats what I am targeting.

  • are you trying to override another existing style or something applied by a script?
    – Rooster
    Oct 11, 2012 at 21:58

4 Answers 4


.wpsc-product .hentry is a combinator selector which will match any element with a class of hentry that has an ancestor with a class of wpsc-product, like

<article class="wpsc-product"><section class="hentry"></section></article>

You want .wpsc-product.hentry (no space)


remove the space in your css selector

.wpsc-product.hentry { ... }

That article element will only get the CSS rule you have if it is inside another element with the wpsc-product class, because   (an empty space) is actually an operator in CSS, meaning that the second selector is a descendent (inside) the first.

To select elements that have both classes, use .wpsc-product.hentry as the selector. Concatenation of selectors requires all of them on the element.


To adress a tag that has more than one class, you should use css selectors like:

class1.class2.class3 { ... }

In your case:


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