I have the following line which sends the arguments args[] and length to a method called largest.

  printf("Largest is: %d \n", largest(args[], length));

When i try to run this i get the following error:

error: expected expression before ']' token

4 Answers 4


because you need to place an integer between the operator square brakets, or otherwise don't specify the square brackets :

printf("Largest is: %d \n", largest(&args[0], length));


printf("Largest is: %d \n", largest(args, length));

Keep in mind that args[0] is the same as *(args + 0) but args[] will give an error because it needs a number to sum ...

 printf("Largest is: %d \n", largest(args, length));

just remove the '[]', because args is a pointer and that's what the function is expecting.


You probably just want the pointer of the array, so pass in largest(args, length) instead.


You can't pass an array like that. You have to pass the pointer to the array (first item):

printf("Largest is: %d \n", largest(args, length));

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