It is obvious that OS scheduling/ threading algorithms have their impact on Java threads but

can we safely say that Threads are OS/machine dependant?

If this is the case then doesn't it make Java platform dependant?

  • wat if I like answers more than one ? :) Nov 5, 2012 at 10:22
  • 1
    I usually accept one and upvote the others in this case.
    – Adam Arold
    Nov 5, 2012 at 10:23
  • 1
    JVM is platform dependant and the Java programs are platform independent. Nov 5, 2012 at 10:50

3 Answers 3


Yes, the details of the scheduling of threads in Java depends on the JVM implementation and (usually) on the OS implementation as well.

But the specifics of that scheduling is also not specified in the Java SE specification, only a selected few ground rules are specified.

This means that as long as the OS specific scheduling is conforming to those ground rules, it is also conforming to the JVM spec.

If your code depends on scheduling specifics that are not specified in the JVM spec, then it depends on implementation details and can not be expected to work everywhere.

That's pretty much the same situation as file I/O: if you hard-code paths and use a fixed directory separator, then you're working outside the spec and can not expect your code to work cross-platform.

Edit: The JVM implementation itself (i.e. the JRE) is platform dependent, of course. It provides the layer that allows pure Java programs to not care about the platform specifics. To achieve this, the JRE has to be paltform specific.

  • hmmm @Joachim please read my question once again I asked "can we safely say that Threads are OS/machine dependant? If this is the case then doesn't it make Java platform dependant?" ....... Another question just popped up (which is not actually thread related) .. I read JVM is platform oriented , does it mean whenever in future an OS developed/created, A new JVM will also be needed for that OS Nov 5, 2012 at 10:03
  • 3
    @Sobia You are absolutely correct. JVM needs to be implemented for each platform individually because Java is designed from the bottom up to shield you away from platform specifics. JVM is that abstracting layer. Nov 5, 2012 at 10:04
  • 2
    Yes, Sobia: the Java JVM is not platform independent. Pure Java programs however, can be platform independent (as long as they don't depend on any implementation-defined behaviour). Nov 5, 2012 at 10:13
  • @Sobia: I think I answered both parts: yes, specific thread behaviour is OS/machine dependent; Yes, the JVM is OS/machine dependent; No; well-written Java programs are not OS/machine dependent. Nov 5, 2012 at 10:14

... Java will usually use native threads, but on some operating systems it uses so called "green threads", which the JVM handles itself and is executed by a single native thread.

You shouldn't have to worry about this. It is all handled by the JVM, and is invisible to the programmer. The only real difference I can think of is that on an implementation that uses green threads, there will be no performance gain from multi-threaded divide-and-conquer algorithms. However, the same lack of performance gain is true for implementations that use native threads, but run on a machine with a single core.

Excerpt from JVM & Java Threads Scheduling

  • I can only name Solaris but I don't know if it is still the case.
    – Adam Arold
    Nov 5, 2012 at 9:58
  • @stackmonster: no mainstream Java SE platform uses green threads these days. You might want to look into the Java ME VMs of some feature phones and find them there. Nov 5, 2012 at 9:59
  • Check out this question.
    – Adam Arold
    Nov 5, 2012 at 10:00
  • Not just that, using green threads implies abandoning the JIT compiler. Green threads can only be (sensibly) implemented in terms of interpreted bytecode. Nov 5, 2012 at 10:00
  • @MarkoTopolnik: why? I don't think so. You could create native code that has the necessary callbacks into the JVM. Granted, green threads + JIT compiler is a rare combination, but I don't see why they can't be combined. Nov 5, 2012 at 11:02

Even on the same platform, if you write unsafe multi-thread code, behavior can depend on the full configuration details, the rest of the machine load, and a lot of luck, as well as hardware and OS. An unsafe program can work apparently correctly one day, and fail the next on the same hardware with more-or-less the same workload.

If you write safe multi-thread code, code that depends only on what is promised in the Java Language Specification and the library APIs, the choice of platform can, of course, affect performance, but not whether it works functionally.

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