I'm trying to precompile my rails app but get this weird error that I don't know how to follow?

rake assets:precompile --trace

** Invoke assets:precompile:all (first_time)
** Execute assets:precompile:all
** Invoke assets:precompile:primary (first_time)
** Invoke assets:environment (first_time)
** Execute assets:environment
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Invoke tmp:cache:clear (first_time)
** Execute tmp:cache:clear
** Execute assets:precompile:primary
rake aborted!
Permission denied - /123
/Users/philip/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/1.9.1/fileutils.rb:247:in `mkdir'

1 Answer 1


You are creating your app on /123/ which is likely a protected directory. You should really be creating your apps within your home folder.

However, if you want to force /123 then you can run sudo rake assets:precompile and it will work.

  • I am at my root app directory when I try to precompile?
    – Philip
    Nov 8, 2012 at 18:32

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