I have a system where I need to get "codes" for specific positions. There is a constant number of positions, 1 to 40, however, each position can have different number of codes (from 2 to 20). The container is constant, it needs to be defined, then is just used to look up positions for the rest of the program.

For example, I need to be able to do something like myCodes.at(position3) and get {1, 3, 9, 23, 52} and myCodes.at(position7) and get {23, 52}

So, the outer container is of constant size, but the inner container can vary in size from 2 to 20. The way I know how to do this is using arrays, and just make the second dimension the max possible size (20): const int myCodes[40][20], then just "pad" the inner array with extra 0's.

However, this feels really wasteful, especially because many of the inner arrays would only be holding 2 elements. I am also working on learning C++11, so I would prefer a "modern" solution if there is one.

3 Answers 3


This is likely what you want:

std::array<std::vector<code>, const_size>

The outer is constant and the inner is dynamic.

Having both be constant and using padding will be faster, but much uglier and so don't try it at first. 18*20 unused ints is not much of a waste on modern hardware.

  • My only concern with this approach is my compiler doesn't support initializer lists, so I'll have to do something hacky like this. Not a problem with the answer though, thank you
    – user1599559
    Nov 18, 2012 at 1:08
  • 1
    Does your compiler support varardic templates? A make_vector<T>(...) doesn't seem hard to write in that case. Nov 18, 2012 at 1:17

For an insane approach, a tuple of std arrays of varying size plus an array of pairs of iterators to the start/end of the arrays. The first results in a non uniform contiguous block if memory, the second gives you uniform range based access to it. In theory the second is computable on the fly, but I would just cache it.

The code to turn the tuple of arrays into an array of pairs would be fun to write.

Well really I would do the previous answer of an array of vectors or even a vector of vectors. But this technique demonstrates how batshit you can get with modern C++11.

  • I really like the idea. I think I will go with the previous answer, but I'm going to give this a try for fun. Thanks
    – user1599559
    Nov 18, 2012 at 1:16

You should use either an array of vectors or an array of lists.

std::array<std::vector<MyType>, const_size>

std::array<std::list<MyType, const_size>

Both are structures that are static in one dimension and dynamic in the other.

  • list, really? The OP did not ask for something that can be spliced quickly Nov 18, 2012 at 1:31
  • @Yakk he asked for something that can grow dynamically, lists are dynamic. A list satisfies all the requirements of the OP. Nov 18, 2012 at 1:39
  • Except it is a list, which is a container you should only use on pain of splice and constant inserts in the middle (more often than iterating). Advising someone to use a list is by default horrible advice. Nov 18, 2012 at 1:49
  • @Yakk says the guy who suggested he write his own container that is just plain stupid. Nov 18, 2012 at 1:52
  • yaserzt.com/blog/archives/615 -- look at this before using or recommending lists. Nov 18, 2012 at 2:08

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