Is there a standard way to convert the localizable.strings file to csv format, or something else than can be imported by a spreadsheet program such as OpenOffice? Thanks.

3 Answers 3


A bit outdated answer, but this online tool, does the job better and faster:



You can just import in your spreadsheet program and use the "=" character as delimiter between the two columns. Just make sure that your spreadsheet program preserves UTF-8 or UTF-16 characters when importing and exporting.

  • 1
    Also remember to check the import setting in Excel to tell it to use the Double Quotes character as a string delimiter.
    – Axeva
    Jun 25, 2010 at 13:42
  • It doesn't seem to work with OpenOffice, but sounds like a good solution for others so thanks anyway :-) Jun 25, 2010 at 13:58
  • A bit late but FWIW it works with LibreOffice version
    – benebun
    Dec 5, 2014 at 17:33

I just spent the last few hours installing and playing with Babelish, a ruby script to do this. I'm still looking around a bit, because I really wish it preserved the comments in my .strings file, but I thought I'd comment here anyway.

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