I'm trying to run a shell script that is in an NSTextView. I know I can use NSTask to do this, but I was wondering what the best way would be, if the script only exists in memory (the text view) but not on disk.

Should I temporarily write it to disk or somehow run it directly as string?

And what parameters do I pass to NSTask? Do I have to extract the shebang line and pass it as launchPath?

  • You can pass the parameters using a NSArray, see the setArguments method (or directly use launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:). Dec 5, 2012 at 23:33

1 Answer 1


You can execute /bin/bash as your NSTask, and setStandardInput to an NSPipe. Then write the NSString containing your script to the pipe via its fileHandleForWriting to avoid creating a file on disk.

  • does the NSSString has to be UTF-8 encoded? NSFileHandleForWriting takes an NSData. Apr 6, 2014 at 12:22

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