I have some newbie question. There is exist vim plugin like some 'class manager' or 'class perspective" like in eclipse or netbeans or geany ? I mean a perspective where i see a class structures, all methods and functions. I looking this plugins for java, that it will be very usefull for me. I looking for this in google, i found something for C++, but not for java. I will be gratefull for any help :)

2 Answers 2


Vim is not an IDE so you won't find exactly what you are after. Anyway, try TagBar or TagList.

  • Thanks a lot! I use a tagbar with ctags, that's really helpfull!
    – pkruk
    Dec 6, 2012 at 14:42

Yes, a couple of plugins can show the structure of the current file in a sidebar; they require the Exuberant Ctags tool (ctags) to extract the class information from the source file.

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