Possible Duplicate:
What does ||= (or equals) mean in Ruby?

It's hard to search this in Google because it is a symbol, not text.

What does ||= stand for?

And how does it work?


5 Answers 5


It assigns a value if not already assigned. Like this:

a = nil
a ||= 1

a = 1
a ||= 2

In the first example, a will be set to 1. In the second one, a will still be 1.

  • 1
    Looks a bit like the SQL coalesce operator Sep 7, 2009 at 12:13
  • Thanks. . . It just makes sure that the current value of the variable is not overwritten. Sep 8, 2009 at 2:53
  • This is nice. Something C# can inspire from. :-) Oct 3, 2012 at 17:53
  • 1
    Note that both nil and false are falsey. So if the values you work with are boolean, it won't distinguish "unassigned" from "assigned to false", later a ||= true will override existing false value. (Unlike SQL coalesce() ternary logic: db-fiddle.com/f/6JMNY7TLVEgTa4GdWg74Sc/0) Jan 12, 2020 at 13:53

From the question Common Ruby Idioms:

is equivalent to

 if a == nil || a == false   
    a = b 

If b is nil, assign a to it.

a = :foo
b ||= a
# b == :foo

If b is not nil, don't change it.

a = :foo
b = :bar
b ||= a
# b == :bar

This is an 'abbreviated assignment' (see Ruby Pocket Reference, page 10)

a = a || b

(meaning a is assigned the value formed by logical or of a, b


a ||= b

Almost all operators have an abbreviated version (+= *= &&= etc).


i can only guess, but i assume it stands for an logical operator combined with setting a variable (like ^=, +=, *= in other languages)

so x ||= y is the same as x = x || y

edit: i guessed right, see http://phrogz.net/ProgrammingRuby/language.html#table_18.4

x = x || y means: use x if set, otherwise assign y. it can be used to ensure variables are at least initialised (to 0, to an empty array, etc.)

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