I am having a bit of a free time and i am planning to catch up on some new technology. I started of my .NET development career as a ASP.NET developer. Presently I am done with ASP.NET development,for that matter i am done with any front end development. These days i am into Business layer and DAL development with the primary focus on WCF service development and I am going to continue doing so. Given the situation which one would be helpful for me in moving forward? ADO.NET data services or Entity Framework?

2 Answers 2


Those are two totally separate items:

  • ADO.NET Entity Framework is a data-access and data-modelling technology to handle database storage, modelling objects etc. on top of that

  • ADO.NET Data Services is a REST-ful way of exposing such data models to a wide audience, by means of browsers and URLs

So basically, first you need to know a bit about Entity Framework, and then you should learn how to make that available to the world at large.



ADO.NET Entity framework and ADO.NET Data Services are different

  • 1
    Data Services are based on EF models, so not that different. Sep 14, 2009 at 14:10
  • Aren't data services based on IUpdateable and IQueryable and not 100% tied to EF? Oct 6, 2009 at 15:51

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