Say I want to write a bash script that takes user input, inserts it into a URL and then downloads it. Something like this: #!/bin/bash

cd /path/to/folder

echo Which version?

read version

curl -O http://assets.company.tld/$version/foo.bar

Would this work? If not, how can I do what I'm trying to do?

1 Answer 1

cd /path/to/folder
echo $version
curl -o $version-foo.bar http://assets.company.tld/$version/foo.bar

where $1 is the first positional argument

So, suppose you save the script with name assets.sh. Then you can using the same like following:

./assests.sh ver1

where ver1 is the version

[EDIT] If you want an interactive session:

cd /path/to/folder
echo -n "Which version you want? "
read version
curl -o $version-foo.bar http://assets.company.tld/$version/foo.bar
  • I actually want it to be interactive, as opposed to taking an argument -- the main question was "can I use a $variable in a call to cURL". Thanks for your help!
    – Micha
    Jan 7, 2013 at 7:35
  • @Micha, I added the interactive script for the same purpose. See my EDIT.
    – Suku
    Jan 7, 2013 at 8:28
  • The lack of quotes is a robustness problem. See When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?
    – tripleee
    Dec 24, 2022 at 21:10

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