My abc.log contains below entries (snippet):

INFO #my-service# #add# id=67986324423 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #add# id=43536343643 isTrial=false
INFO #my-service# #add# id=43634636365 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #add# id=67986324423 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #delete# id=43634636365 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #delete# id=56543435355 isTrial=false

I want to count the lines which are having unique ids with #add# attribute in them & having isTrial=true.

For above snippet, the output should be 2

Can any one proivide me linux command which I can run against above log file?

4 Answers 4


Using just awk:

# Count unique line
$ awk '$3~"add"&&$5~"true"&&!u[$4]++{++c}END{print c}' file

# Print unique lines
$ awk '$3~"add"&&$5~"true"&&!u[$4]++' file
INFO #my-service# #add# id=67986324423 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #add# id=43634636365 isTrial=true

Or just sort and grep

$ sort -uk4,4 file | grep "#add#.*true" 
INFO #my-service# #add# id=67986324423 isTrial=true
INFO #my-service# #add# id=43634636365 isTrial=true

$ sort -uk4,4 file | grep -c "#add#.*true"
  • 1
    Fewer processes … I like it +1
    – knittl
    Jan 10, 2013 at 20:21
  • I think this could be cleaner and easier to grok (e.g. awk '$3 == "#add#" && $5 == "isTrial=true" { ++c; } END { print c; }' or awk '$3 == "#add#" && $5 == "isTrial=true" { seen[$4] = 1; } END { for (i in seen) print i; }, respectively - may or may not be more efficient, though), but +1 for the right idea...
    – twalberg
    Jan 10, 2013 at 20:31
  • @twalberg the first script you suggest doesn't account for unique id, I take you point on comparing fields over line matching however. Jan 10, 2013 at 20:36
  • @sudo_O Doh... right... My thinko there - so the first one should actually be as you had it for the action bits : awk '$3 == "#add#" && $5 == "isTrial=true" { seen[$4] = 1; } END { print length(seen); }. Now if only I could edit comments...
    – twalberg
    Jan 10, 2013 at 20:45
  • Which one will run fast...using just awk or using grep cut sort uniq? Jan 11, 2013 at 3:28

this one-liner gives you result 2

awk -F'#add# id=' '$2~/true/{a[$2]}END{print length(a)}' abc.log

this one-liner gives you the two unique lines

awk -F'#add# id=' '$2~/true/&&!a[$2]++' abc.log

Combine grep, cut, sort and wc:

grep '#add#.*isTrial=true$' /path/to/file | cut -f4 | sort -u | wc -l

Customize the regular expression to your liking (being more strict/less strict about what lines it matches).

(cut -f4 -d' ' if your delimiter is space instead of tab)

  • 2
    Wait : cut -f4 does nothing there ! Jan 10, 2013 at 20:07
  • I'd appreciate if the downvoter gave an explanation why he thinks this answer is so bad or incorrect?
    – knittl
    Jan 10, 2013 at 20:29
  • I didn't downvote, but I'm curious: won't that .* be greedy?
    – 1252748
    Jan 31, 2014 at 16:34

this will count too

grep "isTrial=true" abc.log | grep "#add#" | awk ' { print $4 }' | sort | uniq | wc -l 
  • thanks...if the id contains alphabets, will the above command still work? Jan 10, 2013 at 20:05

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