how can i change the text of a button when clicked? and change it back when clicked again? i have this javascript i made.and its not giving me what i want.please help?

    $('#addbtn').click(function (){
    if(document.getElementById('addMat').style.display == "none"){
        document.getElementById('addMat').style.display= "inline";
        document.getElementById('addMat').style.display= "none";
        $(this).val('Add Material');
  • Why are you using jQuery ($('#addbtn').click(function (){) and pure JS (document.getElementById('addMat').style.display == "none")?
    – Mooseman
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:45
  • I "think" your $(this) will reference the #addMat element, and not the #addbtn element. Is that what you want? A tiny bit of HTML will help since I am not sure which element is the button.
    – Leeish
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:46
  • You can do this in pure CSS using the focus() Psuedo Class. Create two buttons, with one display none. On focus() show the other button with a higher z-index. Twitter uses this format in its tweet buttons
    – Ray
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:48
  • @Mooseman is that wrong? sorry.im just new here.
    – chris
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:50
  • @Leeish, can i reference the button inside this function?
    – chris
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:51

3 Answers 3


Just do it all with jQuery syntax:

$('#addbtn').click(function (){
    var addMat = $('#addMat');
    if( addMat.css('display')  === 'none' ) {
    } else {
      $(this).val('Add Material');
$('#addbtn').click(function (){
    if(document.getElementById('addMat').style.display === "none"){
        document.getElementById('addMat').style.display = "inline";
        document.getElementById('addMat').style.display = "none";
        $(this).attr("value","Add Material");

or Better...

$('#addbtn').click(function (){
    if( $('#addMat').css('display')  === 'none' ){
    } else {
      $(this).attr("value","Add Material");
  • .attr will only work if the OP is using jquery versions older than 1.6
    – Ray
    Jan 13, 2013 at 16:57
$(this).prop('value', 'Cancel'); 



The Best way to do it is create a button and put a span tag around the text

$("span", this).text("My NEW Text");

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