I have a table like so:

call_activity (
    call_id TEXT, 
    activity_type TEXT,
    activity_time TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY(call_id, activity_type, activity_time)

activity_type may be one of about 9 different strings:

 'completed' (about 5 variations on this)
 'other' (these are the states that I want to display)

A call has a series of events, starting with 'started' and culminating in a completed event (one of 5 or so possible ones). I need a view of this with two columns: The first column must be the activity time of a call's 'started' event, the second column must be the most recent event for that call. This view must only have calls for which there is no completed event.

I have a set of nested joins on it, but they're slow as hell. I need a reasonably optimal view of this. Can anyone help me?

  • 1
    The fact that you have both call_id and activity_type as TEXT is not exactly helping with regards to performance. Is there any reason to have them as TEXT and not, say, varchar (or even integer / bigint for call_id)?
    – ChssPly76
    Sep 18, 2009 at 19:28
  • Leaving aside the types -- on which subject I agree with you, btw -- any idea how to optimize it as-is?
    – Chris R
    Sep 18, 2009 at 19:57
  • There's no performance difference between TEXT and varchar. An integer will obviously be faster though - if the model supports that. Sep 19, 2009 at 14:19

4 Answers 4


This solution I tested without any indexing, and on an incredibly small data set, so it will require some tweaking for your environment. You'll want an index on at least call_id (duh!) and activity_type. It also uses a custom aggregate function, LAST() (I use a similar FIRST() function in many of my own projects).

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION slast(anyelement,anyelement) RETURNS anyelement AS $$
    SELECT $2

    sfunc = slast,
    basetype = anyelement,
    stype = anyelement

CREATE VIEW current_calls AS
SELECT min(activity_time) AS call_started,last(activity_type) AS current_activity
    SELECT call_id,activity_time,activity_type
    FROM call_activity
    WHERE call_id NOT IN (SELECT call_id FROM call_activity WHERE activity_type='completed')
    ORDER BY activity_time
) AS x
GROUP BY call_id;

I make no guess whether this performs better or worse than some of the other proposals offered. I prefer it because (to me) it is more readable. But readability really must take a backseat to performance in things like this.


To do this the db has to at least find all the started calls and find if any completed activities exist for it. Assuming that not-completed is a small set, fetching the most recent activity can be done as a subquery. Here's a query that does this:

SELECT c_started.call_id, c_started.activity_id AS started_time,
        (SELECT MAX(c_recent.activity_time)
            FROM call_activity AS c_recent
            WHERE c_recent.call_id = c_started.call_id) AS recent_activity
    FROM call_activity AS c_started
        LEFT JOIN call_activity AS c_completed
            ON c_started.call_id = c_completed.call_id
                AND c_completed.activity_type IN ('completed 1' 'completed 2', ...)
    WHERE c_started.activity_type = 'started'
        AND c_completed.call_id IS NULL;

If you can add indexes, the first choice would be a partial index on call_id where activity_type is in the completed events (the same check as in the join condition). Another would be an index on activity_type, possibly partial with only 'started' events to speed up the initial scan. Finally a call_id, activity_time index would speed up the subquery if you have lots of events per call. You can also get that if you reorder activity_type and activity_time in the primary key.

To make this fast, I would create an active_calls table with only a call_id column and add an insert trigger on call_activity to insert into active_calls if 'started' is inserted and delete if 'completed' is inserted.


Change datatypes for your IDs, and try something like this (add 'started' to the list of others filter if you would like to include 'started' in the latest non-completed activity as well):

SELECT      ca_s.activity_time AS timestamp_started,
            ca_o.activity_time AS timestamp_other
FROM        call_activity ca_s
LEFT  JOIN  call_activity ca_o
        ON  ca_s.call_id = ca_o.call_id
        AND ca_o.activity_type IN ('other-1', 'other2-2', ...)
LEFT  JOIN  call_activity ca_c
        ON  ca_s.call_id = ca_c.call_id
        AND ca_s.activity_type IN ('completed-1', 'completed-2', ...)
WHERE       ca_s.activity_type = 'started'
        AND ca_c.call_id IS NULL --// no complete events
  • plus, index on call_id would help in any case
    – van
    Sep 18, 2009 at 20:40

A solution without joins, using the CASE statement and grouping

    select call_id , 
       min(case when activity_type = 'started' then activity_time
                else null 
           end) as timestamp_started,
      max(activity_time) as timestamp_other
from call_activity
group by call_id
       sum(case when activity_type = 'completed-1' then 1
                when activity_type = 'completed-2' then 1
                else 0
           end) = 0

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