I am searching for a string, '%(' in a column that contains various text. This string can come anywhere within the text, so I tried to use LIKE clause in searching for string.

where COLUMN LIKE '%(%'

However, this treats the % as a wildcard and searches every ( in the text.

To escape, I tried to use ESCAPE keyword

where COLUMN LIKE '%(%' ESCAPE '%'

But this resulted in an error:

Selection error involving field *N.

Please let me know if the string can be found. Some of the strings involved are : "%FOUND(....", or "...%SUBST(....", or even "...(%ABS(..."

I am using DB2 on AS400.

3 Answers 3


WHERE column LIKE '%\%(%' ESCAPE '\'

  • strangely, this does not works on my end, in my case, like '%\%(%' escape '\' returns no records Jan 29, 2013 at 13:16
  • That is indeed strange, as this is definitely the correct syntax (you can use any character for '\', ie. LIKE '%_%(%' ESCAPE '_')
    – paul
    Jan 29, 2013 at 13:32
  • Oh, finally it clicked: The string that I was searching had characters between % and ( so I had to insert another %. Hence my query became LIKE '%/%%(%' escape '/'. Thanks for help! Jan 29, 2013 at 13:39

Well I tried following and it sorta works..

CREATE TABLE test(column1 varchar(500))
INSERT INTO test VALUES('42%344%lsdj%'),('hello%asgj%sdf%l8-')

SELECT * FROM test WHERE column1 LIKE '%344[%]lsd%'



Another method, but not as efficient as above,

WHERE INSTR(column,'%(') > 0 
  • @WarrenT I might have missed out, OP has stated as %(, thanks for pointing out
    – bonCodigo
    Jan 29, 2013 at 17:27

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