I need to remotely spawn WCF services on a remote machine from a client. I cannot use IIS (no HTTP) or WAS (no Windows Server 2008).

Was wondering if there's a way to do it apart from these hosting environments without having to create a service on the remote machine responsible for the spawning of other WCF services.

If a Windows Service host is the only way, can someone point me to a good article or book for an efficient architecture for doing this (including lifecycle management of spawned WCF services).

Thanks Riko

  • What's wrong with a Windows Service?
    – RichardOD
    Sep 22, 2009 at 12:29
  • Nothing, have to do extra work to spawn other services and manage them, plus deploy this additional service.
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 12:34
  • OK- why do you need to spawn these other services? What's wrong with ones always running?
    – RichardOD
    Sep 22, 2009 at 12:47
  • need one service per processor, two service types, X and Y, sometimes need a service X, sometimes a service Y. Service should do it's job, then make processor available again for new X or Y services
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 12:53
  • sounds like WAS would do this but Windows Server 2008 not available to use, nor IIS 6.0 for plain old HTTP
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 12:54

2 Answers 2


If you cannot use IIS/WAS, then you're only option left is self-hosting.

You can host your WCF service in either a Windows (NT) Service, or a console app, or any other app you like to have.

The point though is: other than IIS/WAS which will load your service class as needed, when a request comes in and needs to be processed, in a self-hosting environment, you have to have your host app up and running - that's why a NT Service seems like the best choice at least for production environments, a service that can be run even if no one is logged on to the machine. Console or other apps require a user being logged on, and the app must be running.

Hope this helps a bit.


  • Yes, this is the conclusion I came to as well - self-hosting a Windows Service is the only other way. That service will then need to spawn the other services I need locally on the server.
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 14:35

There is one additional option you can use on Server 2003 - hosting WCF services in COM+: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735856.aspx

This is not as easy as hosting non-HTTP services in WAS on Server 2008, but provides a better supported monitoring and deployment model than hosting as an NT Service. Generally in my experience, though, most people I know have used NT services since is fairly straightforward to generate one in .NET, and then they perf counters or something similar to monitor them in production.

  • Ah, thanks, I was wondering about this. My knowledge of COM+ is limited, but from what I know this options seems likely to open a can of worms (or two).
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 14:49
  • I recall reading somewhere that COM+ didn't support "message-based activation" unlike IIS/WAS. Can't find the link now.
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 14:51
  • I don't think the hassle needed to get this all up and running is less than writing your own NT service :-( This might only be viable if you happen to have a ton of COM+ services already.... not recommended, IMHO
    – marc_s
    Sep 22, 2009 at 14:58
  • What about using WF for the service-that-spawns-services - will that help, or does it just add extra overhead?
    – rikoe
    Sep 22, 2009 at 15:05
  • In my experience WF just adds overhead. The fastest and most direct way to get this working is an NT Service. The COM+ answer was just provided since you seemed to want to know all the options.
    – jnoss
    Sep 22, 2009 at 15:25

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