I have a query that searches for customers that have visted multiple times per day. If I run this query for 1 specific day it works. What I'd like to do is be able to query a range of dates. For example I want to search 12/1/12 - 1/31/13 and have it check each day for multiple visits, and display the date that customer visited multiple times. Below is my query that is not working:

SELECT        Customers.sBarcode, COUNT(Customers.sBarcode) AS [Number of Scans], Tickets.dtCreated
FROM            Tickets INNER JOIN
                         Customers ON Tickets.lCustomerID = Customers.lCustomerID
WHERE        (Tickets.dtCreated BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-11 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-12 00:00:00', 102)) AND (Tickets.dblTotal <= 0)
GROUP BY Customers.sBarcode, Tickets.dtCreated
HAVING        (COUNT(*) > 1)
  • 1
    How this is not working? Any errors? not the desired results?? Feb 1, 2013 at 18:09
  • Is Tickets.dtCreated date only, or does it include time as well as date?
    – user359040
    Feb 1, 2013 at 18:10
  • Time as well. It's not showing any results. If I run the query 1 date at a time i get the results i'm looking for.
    – Shmewnix
    Feb 1, 2013 at 18:11

2 Answers 2


Try something like this:

SELECT  Customers.sBarcode ,
        CAST(FLOOR(CAST(Tickets.dtCreated AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AS dtCreatedDate ,
        COUNT(Customers.sBarcode) AS [Number of Scans]
FROM    Tickets
        INNER JOIN Customers ON Tickets.lCustomerID = Customers.lCustomerID
WHERE   ( Tickets.dtCreated BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-01 00:00:00', 102)
                            AND     CONVERT(DATETIME, '2013-01-31 23:59:59', 102) )
        AND ( Tickets.dblTotal <= 0 )
GROUP BY Customers.sBarcode ,
        CAST(FLOOR(CAST(Tickets.dtCreated AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME)
HAVING  ( COUNT(*) > 1 )

Assuming you have time information your dtCreated field, the cast/floor/cast would drop it, then you can group on your date and expand your date range.

  • I would just add that the CONVERTs are doing nothing here and can be removed.
    – paul
    Feb 1, 2013 at 18:15
  • 1
    @Kevin: Note that a Tickets.dtCreated could conceivably have a value of 2013-01-31 23:59:59.9 .
    – user359040
    Feb 1, 2013 at 18:24
  • True, a better option would be to either drop the times there as well, or use >= with the start date and < with the date after.
    – Kevin Dahl
    Feb 1, 2013 at 19:50


SELECT      Customers.sBarcode, 
            COUNT(Customers.sBarcode) AS [Number of Scans], 
FROM        Tickets 
INNER JOIN  Customers ON Tickets.lCustomerID = Customers.lCustomerID
WHERE       Tickets.dtCreated >=CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-11 00:00:00', 102) AND 
            Tickets.dtCreated < CONVERT(DATETIME, '2012-12-18 00:00:00', 102) AND 
            Tickets.dblTotal <= 0
GROUP BY    Customers.sBarcode, convert(char(10),Tickets.dtCreated,102)
HAVING      COUNT(*) > 1

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