I have initialized 250 threads at a time and they are returning back to update some data in the database. I am using Postgresql database in my rails 2 application. I have set Pool size 100 and max connections 100 but the problem is after 100 connections remaining threads are causing problem like "FATAL ERROR: Too many clients". So now i want is as soon as any thread complete its process then kill that thread. SO to achieve this what should i do?

Here is my code:

consider detail = "contains 250 items in an array"
 threads = []
      detail.each do |item|
          threads << Thread.new( item) do | item |
           # block of code
   threads.each { | t | t.join } 

1 Answer 1


I hope you are using Rails 2.2 where connection pooling has been implemented. Check this:


and this http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/ConnectionAdapters/ConnectionPool.html

  • I have used the same approach but still getting same error. Please suggest how to i handle maximum connections using threading?
    – Trupti
    Feb 7, 2013 at 12:06

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