Is it any faster to read large blocks from a serial port than to read 1 byte at a time? It is general knowledge that reading blocks is usually faster. But, I am wondering if this is the case with serial communication because:

  1. Modern processor speeds with older protocols
  2. Serial transmits 1 bit at a time, unlike new communication methods like USB

As a follow up, how does using a USB as a serial connection (using something like the PL2303 driver, if that helps) affect this?

This came up when I was thinking about how to parse incoming messages from a serial port. With the current design, it would be easier to parse the data 1 character at a time, but, I also want to do the reads efficiently.

  • Userland application? Or kernel driver?
    – Fred Foo
    Feb 11, 2013 at 23:42
  • 1
    Then try reading blocks. One system call per byte can be quite a lot of overhead.
    – Fred Foo
    Feb 11, 2013 at 23:44
  • "Serial transmits 1 bit at a time, unlike new communication methods like USB" -- USB is also serial, and transfer one bit at a time. And by "serial", do you really mean EIA/RS-232 interfaces?
    – sawdust
    Feb 12, 2013 at 1:46
  • Is there an event that indicates new data is available? If so read all available bytes.
    – dbasnett
    Feb 13, 2013 at 18:03

1 Answer 1


Unless you're hitting the serial hardware directly I would imagine that your OS will buffer incoming data and it will still be more efficient to read blocks of data at a time.

You could do it both ways and see which is faster though.

Also surely USB is a just a fast serial connection given the S stands for serial.

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