I want to build a string which contains the number of "a" based on the a runtime variable i.For example if the value of i is 3 value of string would be "aaa" if the value of i is 5 string would be "aaaaa".how can i create it in java [ without the obvious way of creating a stringbuffer in a loop] for example in python i can just do string = 'a' * i.


2 Answers 2


Using Google Guava we can do his with repeat method:

public static String repeat(String string,int count)

Returns a string consisting of a specific number of concatenated copies of an input string. For example, repeat("hey", 3) returns the string "heyheyhey".

  • I guess they too use StringBuffer in a for loop internally Jun 21, 2012 at 6:07
char [] a = new char[5];
Arrays.fill(a, 'f');

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