I want to find integer value using preg_match (PHP) from following string value. I am using following code to find integer value, it works fine for positive integer but I need for positive and negative both. Can anyone help me??

String Value: Hint: Status: -1 Response: Goodbye Message: Thanks for all the fish.

preg_match code so far:

preg_match('/Status: (\d+)/', $queueinfo, $status1 );

4 Answers 4


Your code is almost there:

preg_match('/Status: (\d+)/', $queueinfo, $status1 );

The only thing you need to add is the optional dash prefix:

preg_match('/Status: (-?\d+)/', $queueinfo, $status1 );
$queueinfo  = 'Hint: Status: -1 Response: Goodbye Message: Thanks for all the fish.';
preg_match('/Status:\s*(?P<status>\-?\d+)/', $queueinfo, $match );  

echo $match['status'];

Give it a try:

preg_match('/Status\:\s(\-?)(\d+)/', $queueinfo, $m);
$status1 = (int)($m[1].$m[2]);
  • 1
    Why not just do /Status: (-?\d+)/ and then $m[1] no need to typecast as well since it is a numeric string otherwise regex would not have matched it.
    – kittycat
    Feb 25, 2013 at 7:06
preg_match_all('/-\d+|(?!-)\d+/', 'String Value: Hint: Status: -1 Response: 12588 Goodbye Message: Thanks for all the fish.', $status1 );

Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => -1 [1] => 12588 ) )

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