I am developing a application using Spring MVC 3.0 frame work, I have following requirement,

There are multiple form in one jsp page. I am using ajax to submit each form. But after submitting, each form will go to different controller. In controller I will validate input data if there is any error I need to send validation result back to jsp page. Right now I am storing errors into a separate list and sending back to jsp through json response. I am not sure whether to use bindingResult.getAllErrors() or bindingResult.getFieldErrors() to get list of errors in my controller. What's the difference between both?

2 Answers 2



By using bindingResult.getAllErrors you will get all errors, both global and field ones.


By using bindingResult.getFieldErrors() you will get all errors associated with the given field.

Here is a useful Link that may help you understand difference between each better.

  • 2
    Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
    – JJJ
    Apr 17, 2013 at 5:48

getAllErrors() returns all errors, both Global and Field. getFieldErrors() only returns errors related to binding field values. I am not sure what a "Global" error is generated from, as I have never seen one.

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