Is it possible to turn off that automatic bechaviour of Mac OS X when it setting up $DISPLAY? I want to run manually X11 or XQuartz to force wine (or other X apps) using one or another. (Like it was in earler wersions of Mac OS) Because some apps works better in standart X11, but another in current version of XQuartz.

  • It should work to just launch whichever X server you prefer and then run wine from an xterm within it. Mar 16, 2013 at 23:06
  • Thanks. Totally what i want and even better. 'cause all apps continue working with default X server. Why you comment instead answer? I'm unable to accept your answer now.
    – Yaroslav
    Mar 16, 2013 at 23:28

1 Answer 1


Just launch whichever X server you prefer and then run wine from an xterm within it.

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