I'm having code with if and else if to find some type and create a respective value from it. I wonder how to make it more efficient, I have found the following post in a forum but I don't have a type like boolean, my types are bollean.edm, char.edm etc.

Is there a way to use the following code with adjustment to support my case?

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    String typeName = "Boolean";
    String memberValue = "memberValue";
    SwitchInputType type = Type.valueOf(typeName).makeType(memberValue);

enum Type {
    Boolean {
        SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
            return new SwitchInputType<Boolean>(new Boolean(memberValue));
    Double {
        SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
            return new SwitchInputType<Double>(new Double(memberValue));
    Int32 {
        SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
            return new SwitchInputType<Integer>(new Integer(memberValue));

    // All must do this.
    abstract SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue);

static class SwitchInputType<T> {
    public SwitchInputType(Object o) {
  • Can you please try to explain more exactly what your aim is? What is there to know about your type bollean.edm etc?
    – user905686
    Mar 23, 2013 at 10:12
  • I dont think that this is the issue the type should be provided as string ,btw this is Odata type Mar 23, 2013 at 10:16

1 Answer 1


According to this, that looks like a documentation to yours misterious Odata type. The more or less working sollution should look like this (just change the String typeName values from standard java.lang.classes to those Odata type whatever ;)):

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
            String typeName = "Edm.Double";
            String namePreparedForEncoding = typeName.replace('.', '_');
            Type type = Type.valueOf(namePreparedForEncoding);

            String memberValue = "42.99";
            SwitchInputType<?> value = type.makeType(memberValue);

            String typeName1 = "Edm.Int32";
            String namePreparedForEncoding1 = typeName1.replace('.', '_');
            Type type1 = Type.valueOf(namePreparedForEncoding1);

            String memberValue1 = "42";
            SwitchInputType<?> value1 = type1.makeType(memberValue1);

    enum Type {
        Edm_Boolean {
            SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
                return new SwitchInputType<Boolean>(new Boolean(memberValue));
        Edm_Double {
            SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
                return new SwitchInputType<Double>(new Double(memberValue));
        Edm_Int32 {
            SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue) {
                return new SwitchInputType<Integer>(new Integer(memberValue));

        // All must do this.
        abstract SwitchInputType makeType(String memberValue);

    static class SwitchInputType<T> {
        private Object o;

        public SwitchInputType(Object o) {
            this.o = o;

        public String toString() {
            return "SwitchInputType: " + o.toString();


SwitchInputType: 42.99

SwitchInputType: 42

As you may notice, I have replaced Edm. with Edm_ in enums - because enum cannot be names with the dot in the midlle.


If you change a bit toString() method you will be sure that the conversion is really working:

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("SwitchInputType: (%s) %s", o.getClass().getSimpleName(), o);

results in: SwitchInputType: (Double) 42.99

Hope this helps you


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