I do obfuscation of my Java code before delivery (currently using ProGuard).

When I "decompile" the obfuscated byte code, obviously all strings are not obfuscated. This is also true for messages in exceptions. These exception messages give the reader a lot of information to understand the code. Like:

if(a == null){
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("SuperSecretObject cannot be null");

Is it possible, using ProGuard or another tool to compile while removing all exception message strings?

Else, can you recommend other methods to hide strings which are not functionally necessary?

  • Removing exception messages with change the code behaviour.
    – gontard
    Mar 25, 2013 at 8:43
  • 2
    You can move exception messages to a file outside the code, but even then one can always refer to those messages. Mar 25, 2013 at 8:44
  • @Sudhanshu good idea: I could use a Properties which returns "" when a key isn't found. The properties would be populated only on test installation which should have the exception messages.
    – Philipp
    Mar 25, 2013 at 8:47

1 Answer 1


For example you could use

throw new IllegalArgumentException(SuperSecretObject.class.getName() + " cannot be null");

Then the the obfuscator can also replace the class name with the obfuscated one.

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