
On Linux, I am trying to get an end-user friendly string representing available system memory.


Your computer has 4 GB of memory.

Success criteria

I consider these aspects end-user friendly (you may disagree):

  • 1G is more readable than 1.0G (1 Vs 1.0)

  • 1GB is more readable than 1G (GB Vs G)

  • 1 GB is more readable than 1GB (space-separated unit of measure)

  • memory is more readable than RAM, DDR or DDR3 (no jargon)

Starting point

The free utility from procps-ng has an option intended for humans:

-h, --human
    Show all output fields automatically scaled to shortest three digit unit
    and display the units of print out.  Following units are used.
        B = bytes
        K = kilos
        M = megas
        G = gigas
        T = teras
    If unit is missing, and you have petabyte of RAM or swap, the number is
    in terabytes and columns might not be aligned with header.

so I decided to start there:

> free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3.8G       1.4G       2.4G         0B       159M       841M
-/+ buffers/cache:       472M       3.4G
Swap:         4.9G         0B       3.9G

3.8G sounds promising so all I have to do now is...

Required steps

  • Filter the output for the line containing the human-readable string (i.e. Mem:)

  • Pick out the memory total from the middle of the line (i.e. 3.8G)

  • Parse out the number and unit of measure (i.e. 3.8 and G)

  • Format and display a string more to my liking (e.g. GGB, ...)

My attempt

free -h | \
  awk  '/^Mem:/{print $2}' | \
    perl -ne '/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(B|K|M|G|T)/ && printf "%g %sB\n", $1, $2'


3.8 GB

Desired solution

  • I'd prefer to just use gawk, but I don't know how

  • Use a better, even canonical if there is one, way to parse a "float" out of a string

  • I don't mind the fastidious matching of "just the recognised magnitude letters" (B|K|M|G|T), even if this would unnecessarily break the match with the introduction of new sizes

  • I use %g to output 4.0 as 4, which is something you may disagree with, depending on how you feel about these comments: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/70553/10283.

My question, in summary

  • Could you do the above in awk only?
  • Could my perl be written more elegantly than that, keeping the strictness of it?


I am a beginner robot. Here to learn. :]

What I learned from Andy Lester

Summarised here for my own benefit: to cement learning, if I can.

for example, this gawk:

echo foo bar baz | awk '{print $2}'

can be written like this in perl:

echo foo bar baz | perl -ane 'print "$F[1]\n";'

Unless there is something equivalent to gawk 's --field-separator, I think I still like gawk better, although of course to do everything in perl is both cleaner and more efficient. (is there an equivalent?)

EDIT: actually, this proves there is, and it's -F just like in gawk:

echo ooxoooxoooo | perl -Fx -ane 'print join "\n", @F'



  • perl has a -l option, which is just awesome: think of it as Python's str.rstrip (see the link if you are not a Python head) for the validity of $_ but it re-appends the \n to the output automatically for you

Thanks, Andy!

  • I say +1 for having an organized question. But you may get better feedback on codereview.stackexchange.com.
    – squiguy
    Mar 30, 2013 at 1:02
  • 1
    Thanks. I was very hesitant to post a "shell one-liner" to a site called Code Review! It felt borderline obsessive.. :) Mar 30, 2013 at 1:09
  • I agree with Stephane. There is no reason for precision to change just because the output happen to fall on an even number.
    – jordanm
    Mar 30, 2013 at 2:16
  • Computer science point of view. Logical, precise. I think my "grandma" would still say 4 GB to a shop attendant rather than 4.0G. At any rate, the question regarding regex remains? Mar 30, 2013 at 2:21

3 Answers 3


Yes, I'm sure you could do this awk-only, but I'm a Perl guy so here's how you'd do it Perl-only.

Instead of (B|K|M|G|T) use [BKMGT].

Use Perl's -l to automatically strip newlines from input and add them on output.

I don't see any reason to have Awk do some of the stripping and Perl doing the rest. You can do autosplitting of fields with Perl's -a.

I don't know what the output from free -h is exactly (My free doesn't have an -h option) so I'm guessing at this

free -h | \
perl -alne'/^Mem:/ && ($F[1]=~/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[BKMGT]/) && printf( "%g %sB", $1, $2)'
  • 1
    Whoa.. I LOVE this answer! Damn! You taught me so much in a one-liner! Awesome!! Thanks! Mar 30, 2013 at 2:41
  • 1
    Glad you like it. Go ahead and accept it, please. This presentation I gave years ago may give you some more tidbits. speakerdeck.com/petdance/a-field-guide-to-the-perl-command-line Mar 30, 2013 at 2:43
  • I absolutely adore your answer, but I am going to wait just a little bit for an awk one, in case it comes. It was my expressed preference. Good to learn some perl from a Master like you though. Will accept in case no awk comes forward.. Mar 30, 2013 at 2:45
  • BTW, Andy, I have noticed the -l switch does not "work" in this one-liner.. free -h | perl -lane '/^Mem:/ && ($F[1] =~ /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([BKMGT])/) && printf "%g %sB", $1, $2' Mar 31, 2013 at 1:11
  • 1
    Interesting. The -l will add \n after a print but not after a printf. From the manual perldoc -f print: "Equivalent to print FILEHANDLE sprintf(FORMAT, LIST), except that `$` (the output record separator) is not appended." Mar 31, 2013 at 3:44

An awk (actually gawk) solution

free -h | awk 'FNR == 2 {if (match($2,"[BKMGT]$",a)) r=sprintf("%.0f %sB",substr($2,0,RSTART-1), a[0]); else r=$2 " B";print "Your computer has " r " of memory."}'

or broken down for readability

free -h | awk 'FNR == 2 {if (match($2,"[BKMGT]$",a)) r=sprintf("%.0f %sB",
          substr($2,0,RSTART-1), a[0]); else r=$2 " B";
          print "Your computer has " r " of memory."}'


  • FNR is the nth line (if 2 does the {} commands)
  • $2 is the 2nd field
  • if (condition) command; else command;
  • match(string, regex, matches array). Regex says "must end with one of BKMGT"
  • r=sprintf set variable r to sprintf with %.0f for no decimals float
  • RSTART tells where the match occured, a[0] is the first match

Outputs with the exemple above

Your computer has 4 GB of memory.
  • Awarding, as it is awk all the way. Andy's solution looks cleaner to me, I would probably remember that more easily, but since it's all awk, the "prize" is yours! ;) Mar 30, 2013 at 19:33

Another lengthy Perl answer:

free -b | 
perl -lane 'if(/Mem/){ @u=("B","KB","MB","GB"); $F[2]/=1024, shift @u while ($F[2]>1024); printf("%.2f %s", $F[2],$u[0])}'

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